The Story of Imhotep

Raising Imhotep: The Story Of Imhotep Academy Kindred spirits that met in the midst of their passion for education, Mrs. Rosenburg and Mrs. Jackson personify dedication. Their hearts are brimming with stories of digging for academic books for their students and hours spent building a school with blood, sweat and tears. These women have unapologetically […]

Can A White Girl Wear That?

“Can a white girl wear that?” She asked me after complimenting the style of my Ankara head wrap. She was one of my favorite white girls. I just liked her. Something about her was annoyingly sweet, hilarious, and so lovable. I wanted to be her friend. Like a ‘someone you go see a movie with’ friend. […]

Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen

“Many are called but few are chosen.” The thought came to mind as I looked out of the window and saw a busy street, buildings with signs lit up in blue, red and white. I glanced at the trucks driving by and the cars coming through the drive through. I leaned forward a little and […]