We’ve all been conditioned to think that marriage is the source of our happiness. Or that marriage is where we’ll find that one true love who will whisk us away into success and legacy building and all the things we’ve been told to desire in life. But what if that isn’t the case? What […]
Love Isn’t Enough.
Love. Hatred. Resentment. Sadness. Arguments, Misunderstanding. Loneliness. Beauty. Laughter. Possessiveness. Growth. Death. Life. Marriage. is all of the above. It translates the deepest emotions into the most aggressive actions at the drop of a dime. It is the effervescent mirror that reflects our behaviors and tendencies. The mirror that we naturally avoid as we settle […]
For the Dreaming Mommies…
This morning was a rough one for me. I woke up feeling completely unmotivated and with a lack of belief in myself. I decided to write in my journal to clear my mind and hopefully gain some inspiration but oddly enough, writing only caused me to reflect more on my life which led tears minutes […]